PTSD and Art Therapy, was met with critical acclaim and is now translated into Korean and Russian. The book answers the question, “How does Art Therapy offer healing for people who have experienced traumas?”
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Looking for a good read or professional resources? Check out my Books and Peer-Reviewed Publications
Backos, A. (2023). ACT Art Therapy: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy & Art Therapy. Jessica Kingsley.
Backos, A. (2021). Art Therapy and PTSD. Jessica Kingsley.
Carolan, R. & Backos, A. (Eds.)(2018). Emerging Perspectives in Art Therapy. New York: Routledge.
Backos A. & Mazzeo, C. (2017). Group therapy and PTSD: Acceptance and commitment art therapy groups with Viet Nam veterans with PTSD. In Howie, P. (Ed.) Art Therapy with Military and Veteran Populations: History, Innovations, and Applications. Rutledge.
Backos, A. & Samuelson, K. (2017). Mixed methods analysis of projective drawings of mothers and children exposed to intimate partner violence. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association.
Hill, A., Backos, A. & Carolan, R. (2016). Understanding the impact of parents and teachers on the development of creativity. Creativity Journal.
Bennington, R., Backos, A., Harrison, J., Etherington Reader, A. & Carolan, R. (2016). Art therapy in art museums: Promoting social connectedness and psychological well-being of older adults. The Arts in Psychotherapy (49), 34–43.
Backos, A. & Sanders, G. (2014). Book review: Mass trauma and emotional healing around the world. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (26),440-442.
Collie, K., Backos, A., Malchiodi, C. & Spiegel, D. (2007). Art therapy for combat-related PTSD: Recommendations for research and practice. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 23(4), 157-164.
Backos, A., Participating clinician in Koplewicz, H. S. & Goodman, R. F. (Eds.). (1999). Childhood revealed: Art expressing pain, discovery, and hope. (p. 118). Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated.
Backos, A. & Pagon, B. (1999). Finding a voice: Art therapy with female adolescent Sexual abuse survivors. Journal of the American Art Therapy Association,16(3), 126-132.