Download both workbooks then watch the video.

Get ready to Create!
✔ Plan your next audacious achievements with visualization and art
✔ Eliminate competing ideas and doubts
✔ Expand your vision for the future
✔ “Bend time” to explore your future
✔ ✔ Clarify & Realize Your Creative Vision
✔ Practice creative thinking
✔ Express yourself using art and divergent thinking

Creativity will happen!
Who is this workshop for?
Vibrant Vision is for any woman seeking to enhance their life, get clear on decisions, and take bold actions. If you are looking for more joy, fulfillment, and clarity, this workshop gives you the tools you need for decisive thinking and audacious achievements. Whether you’re familiar with Dr. Amy’s teachings or new to the art and science of creativity, this workshop is for you. All you need is pen and paper, curiosity, and an open heart…no art skills required!