Your Creative New Year Webinar

woman leaning on a bridge walk way, smiling

Get ready to Create!

Watch Now!

cup of coffee, journal and flowers

Stretch your creative muscles with expressive art, journaling and visualization

Complementary Workbook to plan your whole year

Creative Thinking Skills to change your perspective on New Year’s Resolutions

Vibrant Community of Women with so much kindness and fun

Super-fun prizes when you attend LIVE!

Download “Your Creative New Year” Workbook

What is the Modern Creative Woman
Exclusive Membership program?

The Modern Creative Woman is a community membership focused art therapy and creating a life you love. This is place where women like you can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment using the art and science of creativity.
Join Now!

 Stretch your creative muscles.
 Practice creative thinking and make expressive art!
 Create more romance in your life.
 STOP reacting and START responding and creating!
 Press the reset button and let go of past struggles that no longer serve you.
 Embody gratitude to uplift your relationships.

 Build a real plan to achieve YOUR practical and passionate goals.
 Live in alignment with your purpose and values in life.
 Maintain your inner peace and sense of calm, even when there is chaos around you.
…and so much more!

The Modern Creative Woman

Women making meaning and joy in their every-day-lives, relationships, and work. Ready to be a part of this supportive, creative and soulful community? Read more!

Creativity expert, Dr. Amy Backos, is a licensed psychologist and registered and board-certified art therapist teaches and advises women to live bold, creative lives through neuroaesthetics, art therapy, and creative thinking.

With nearly three decades of experience, she takes the mystery out of the creative process so you can start each day feeling empowered, creative, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

woman writing in a journal


“What a productive workshop for all ages and stages of life!”
– Marcia
“The decision I had been mulling for more than a year was resolved by the end of the three-step meditation.
-Modern Creative Mom
“What a powerful presentation! I gained deep insight and have some new, big beautiful things to think about. I joined the membership!”
“I feel more committed to wake up to a life I love. I joined the membership!”

For less than the cost of an evening out or a new dress… you can transform your life this month!