Archetypes are universal symbols that speak to us in metaphor and analogy. This month we explore the female archetypes that you currently align with as well as the ones that inspire you! You will learn how to use archetypes to guide you and pull you into the future.
coming soon!
Class Videos and Slides
coming soon!
Mar 11, 18, 25, 2025 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 812 0959 2576
Passcode: March2025
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Passcode: 658945702
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Additional Opportunities
Check out our signature packages!
Complementary 20 minute consultation to see what is right for you.
Leave a voice message or email to learn more.
(415) 592-6406
Tune in for more info!
You can find me talking about values, joy, and how to live an amazing life on IG live each Friday at noon PST. Content for the month will be congruent with this class so definitely tune in for the month and supplement your learning.
The Modern Creative Woman Podcast brings you creativity on the go!
Enjoy new weekly episodes about the art and science of creativity.
Disclosures and Values
-Please respect the content and creators – avoid distributing to people who have yet to enroll in the class.
-Memberships in the workshop cannot be shared. Refunds are unavailable once you have paid for a class or for a year. If you are on a month by month payment plan, you may cancel future payments by emailing at least five days before your next payment.
-Reproducing or distributing the workbook is only possible with expressed written permission from The Art Therapy Center of San Francisco. This is a membership and you have access to the program only when you are a member. When you cancel, you lose access to the membership.
-Because this is a membership, access to the membership platform is available only when you are a paying member. You may download the material for your personal use when you are a member, but we are unable to provide you with the material when you are not a member.
-Class memberships are for education. The are not therapy and do not constitute mental health treatment or a therapeutic relationship.